EFIS-IL Fellowships

EFIS and Immunology Letters (IL) award short-term fellowships for up to 3 months of support for purposes of transnational scientific collaboration or advanced training in techniques or methodologies. The EFIS-IL Short-term Fellowship allowance is € 1.925/month and is awarded directly to the fellowship holder. In addition, EFIS will reimburse travel costs up to € 500.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be a member of an EFIS-affiliated society (exceptions to this may apply only for applicants from European countries without a national society);
  • Candidates must hold at least a Master's degree. Applicants with a PhD and with no more than 7 years postdoctoral experience (excluding career breaks) at the submission deadline are also welcome;
  • The proposed stay must be conducted in a European institution in a country other than that of the applicant's current residence;
  • Fellowships are not awarded in order to attend courses, symposia, meetings or congresses;
  • Fellowships are not renewable and can be held only once;
  • Fellowships are intended to offset mobility-related costs and should not be considered as a salary. Moreover, they cannot be awarded retroactively, nor can they be held simultaneously with awards made available by other sources.

To apply for an EFIS-IL short-term fellowship, please provide all required information in the online application form below.

Documents to submit

  • Short curriculum vitae (.doc or .pdf)
  • List of publications (.doc or .pdf)
  • Project proposal (max 2 pages, .doc or .pdf). The proposal should sufficiently summarize the aim, background, objectives and working plan of the proposed research stay.
  • Letter of recommendation (from the current institute) (.doc or .pdf)
  • Acceptance letter from the head/supervisor of the host Institute (.doc or .pdf)
  • Proof of membership in an EFIS-affiliated society (.doc or .pdf)

The EFIS Board evaluates applications at its periodic meetings, held every 3-4 months. Applicants will be notified about the outcome of evaluations within 3 weeks after the application submission deadline.