Meeting Support

Notice to potential applicants for EFIS-EJI Meeting Support: applications for events scheduled to take place between 1 July and 1 October 2024 will not be accepted or considered.

EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) are proud to offer financial support for immunology-themed meetings, workshops and schools that are organized in Europe and are international in nature.


Specifically, through its support, EFIS aims to enhance interaction between early career scientists and established immunologists, providing funding to be used as travel bursaries to award to eligible and deserving early career researchers who, in many cases, would be unable to attend quality immunology-themed events without such support.


Proponents should bear in mind that high scientific caliber, strong European dimension, attention to the participation of early career researchers, and appropriate gender balance are criteria on which the EFIS Board bases its selection of meetings to sponsor. Moreover, organizers must clearly justify that, without EFIS/EJI support, they would be unable to award travel bursaries.

Organizers should also bear in mind that EFIS-EJI Support must be used to subsidize early career researchers' participation costs and cannot be used to directly finance an event.


Potential applicants should also note that the annual meetings of Member Societies are not eligible for support (EFIS Affiliates may, however, apply for the EFIS-IL Lecture Award).


Please note that this funding scheme is available exclusively to meeting/event organizers, not to participants seeking funds to attend an event.


In return for its funding for bursaries, EFIS asks meeting organizers to display the EFIS and EJI logos on their website, flyers, posters, etc., to announce the availability of EFIS/EJI bursaries on the meeting's website and, after the event, to provide a list of bursary recipients with their full contact details. On occasion, the organizers of meetings and conferences receiving EFIS/EJI support are asked to allow the participation of EJI editorial representatives.


To apply for EFIS meeting support, please provide all required information - cover letter, provisional program and budget of anticipated revenues and expenses - in the application form (link found at the bottom of this page). The EFIS Board will consider applications at its meeting following the periodic deadline. Proponents should bear in mind the Board meets every 3-4 months, and that applications should be submitted at least 2 months in advance of the proposed event.


EFIS Support Scheme for PhD Courses

EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) also offer a support scheme dedicated exclusively to EFIS-affiliated Societies counting fewer than 500 active members. In keeping with its mission to enhance interaction between young scientists and established immunologists, EFIS/EJI financial support will consist of up to 5000 EUR to cover the travel and accommodation costs of international faculty invited by organizers to participate at courses/events/retreats for PhD students.

As with its main meeting support scheme, in return for its funding, EFIS asks meeting organizers to display the EFIS and EJI logos on their website, flyers, posters, etc. To apply for EFIS meeting support, please provide all required information in the application form (see link at the bottom of this page). The EFIS Board will consider applications at its meeting following the periodic deadline. Proponents should bear in mind the Board meets every 3-4 months, and that applications should be submitted at least 3 months in advance of the proposed event.

As mentioned above, EFIS/EJI meeting support generally takes the form of funding to be used exclusively as travel bursaries to be awarded by meeting organizers to eligible and deserving junior scientists. However, EFIS has progressively identified a select group of schools and conferences held regularly throughout Europe that - given their high scientific caliber, strong European dimension, attention to the participation of young scientists, and appropriate gender balance - are purposefully labeled "EFIS/EJI" events and can, as such, benefit from support to cover both travel bursaries and general meeting organizational costs (this latter generally for no more than 30% of the total requested funding). At present, EFIS/EJI events include:

  • EFIS/EJI Tatra Meeting, Slovakia
  • EFIS/EJI ENII Summer School, Italy
  • EFIS/EJI South Eastern European Immunology School (various locations throughout South-Eastern Europe)

August 9th, 2024